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- Order AAA/1072/2013, of 7 June, on the use of sewage sludge in the agricultural sector.
- ORDER MAM/1873/2004, of 2 June, which approves the official models for the declaration of discharge and develops certain aspects relating to the discharge authorisation and settlement of the discharge control fee regulated in the Royal Decree 606/2003, of 23 May, reforming Royal Decree 849/1986, of 11 April, approving the Regulations of the Public Hydraulic Domain, which develops the preliminary Titles, I, IV, V, VI and VII of Law 29/1985, of 2 August, on Water.
- ORDER SCO/1591/2005, of 30 May, on the National Drinking Water Information System.
- Order SSI/304/2013, of 19 February, on substances for the treatment of water intended for the production of water for human consumption.
- ROYAL DECREE 140/2003, of 7 February, establishing the sanitary criteria for the quality of water for human consumption.
- Royal Decree 742/2013, of 27 September, establishing the technical-sanitary criteria for swimming pools.
- ROYAL DECREE 861/2003, of 4 July, amending the General Statutes of the Official Associations of Technical Engineers. Agricultural Engineers and Agricultural Experts of Spain and their General Council, approved by Royal Decree 2772/1978, of 29 September, and amended by Royal Decree 429/1999, of 12 March.
- ROYAL DECREE 1310/1990. of 29 October regulating the use of sewage sludge in the agricultural sector.
- ROYAL DECREE 1620/2007, of 7 December, which establishes the legal regime for the reuse of treated water.
- ROYAL DECREE 2116/1998, of 2 October, amending Royal Decree 509/1996, of 15 March, implementing Royal Decree-Law 11/1995, of 28 December, establishing the rules applicable to the treatment of urban waste water.
- ROYAL DECREE-LAW 11/1995, of 28 December 1995, establishing the rules applicable to the treatment of urban waste water.
- RESOLUTION of 25 May 1998, of the Secretary of State for Water and Coasts, declaring the “sensitive areas” in intercommunity catchment areas.
- RESOLUTION of 10 July 2006, of the General Secretariat for Territory and Biodiversity, declaring the Sensitive Areas in the Intercommunity Hydrographic Basins.